Summer can bring on sunny days and with it more activity from insects like wasps. Unlike the more rounded bee, wasps are slender and thin. But they can pack a punch. Getting stung is painful and the sting leaves a noticeable welt for days. If you’re allergic, you can go into anaphylactic shock. Wasps can make their home in your walls, in your roofs, or under your house. They can be really bothersome and dangerous to your family and pets if they nest in your home or nearby.

Wasps usually establish their colonies which lasts up to a year. The wasps will die after the year but they hatch new queens which will start new colonies the following year.
If you want to get rid of wasps, it helps to first find where they are nesting in your home or backyard. If you’re allergic to wasps or just simply don’t want to be stung by them, hire a professional like Swarm Pest Control in Brisbane to help you locate them and terminate them.

Usually it’s better to deal with them in early summer when their colony hasn’t grown yet. If you are able, do your wasp identification and termination at night because at night they don’t move around a lot.

To get rid of them yourself, make sure you’re wearing the proper safety gear like a face net, long sleeved loose clothing, and gloves. Make sure that there is no available area of the skin where they can sting you. Let others know what you’re doing so that they can avoid the place while you are terminating the bothersome wasps. If it is a small nest and it is an oval or circular shaped one, you can cover the nest with a big enough plastic bag and remove it from where it is hanging. Tie the bag right away so that it will suffocate the wasps, and they can’t get out. Put the bag of wasps in the freezer for the evening to ensure that they are killed.

Another option is to spray the opening of the nests with wasp terminating spray if they are in walls or underground. Make sure you’re not exposed to the fumes by wearing the proper mask before spraying. Read all the precautionary labels before spraying. Repeat spraying if there are still some alive after a few hours or the next day.

If they are some still flying about after doing your best to terminate them, you can set up a wasp trap. Save one or two-litre plastic soda bottles and cut the top parts of the bottles off where it starts to slope towards the opening. You will need the top parts to act as a funnel. In the bottom parts of the bottles, you will need to put in 354 millilitres of vinegar, 4 tablespoons of sugar, and 2 teaspoons of salt in each bottle. Once mixed to make a solution, put the top part upside down into the bottle. Make sure there is enough room between the small opening and the liquid so that wasps can find their way inside. If there isn’t a lot of room, lessen the liquid or put half of the liquid into another trap bottle. Put the traps around your yard. The solution will attract wasps. Once they make their way inside the trap, it will be difficult for them to get out of the small opening. If they fly inside the container, they will usually get trapped in the liquid and drown. If you happen to catch a lot in one day, change the solution with the drowned wasps in it often so that you will catch more.

To prevent them from coming near your home in the future, you can try to fool them into thinking that other wasps have the territory by putting up a fake wasp nest similar to the type of wasp nest that you usually see in your yard or home. You can make one yourself out of balled up newspaper covered with grey duct tape closely matching a real wasp nest. You can also buy fake wasp nests and hang them up in vulnerable areas. It is said that this method of wasp prevention for Pest Control Brisbane is better done in early summer when the queen is looking for a place to start her colony.

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